Japanese roosters
Painting and quilling technique, Canvas, 2021
This painting is made of cardboard filigree cut into 0.5mm strips and partially colored with acrylic paints, treated with a special varnish to reinforce the cardboard and make it resistant to time. It is a job that took 45 hours to complete. The work seen from different angles changes color, this effect is given by the manual coloring of the paper strips
Informazioni generali
- Categoria: Mista
- Codice: 20102021
- Eseguita il: 20 ottobre 2021
Dettagli dell'Opera
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 48 cm x 58 cm
- Tecnica: Painting and quilling technique
- Supporto: Canvas
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Prezzo: € 250,00
- Disponibile: si
Informazioni Gigarte.com
- Codice GA: GA187402
- Archiviata il: 01/11/2021
Archiviazione Certificata by Gigarte.com
Si certifica che l'artista Quilling Art - Carmen Mindriscanu lunedì 1 novembre 2021 ha archiviato la foto dell'opera GA187402 dal titolo "Japanese roosters"
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